Facebook Retargeting on Ads Manager
To set up Facebook retargeting on Ads Manager, edit your creative in your ad group
setup and add the Facebook pixel URL to the External Trackers (Pixels) section. The
pixel URL looks like this:
- https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=000000000&ev=EventName&noscript=1
Please fill in 000000000 with the Pixel ID and fill in EventName.
Please make sure to click the + icon to submit the pixel.
How do I create a Facebook pixel?
From Facebook Business Manager, go to Events Manager, choose Connect Data
Sources, then Connect to Website to create a pixel for your Facebook account.
Once the pixel is created and the code is installed on Ads Manager, go back to
Events Manager, select the pixel, choose Create Custom Audience. Select the
Source and Event to create the audience.
Please see Facebook’s Help Center or contact Facebook’s support for more details.
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